Weather Temperatures in March – A Record Breaking Month!

Is this the end of the beast from the east? March 2013 the second coldest Winter on record!
Emergency Plumber explains about the weather temperatures in March and is this set to break a record or get any worse? This may be the coldest weather in March and is set to last into the Easter weekend bringing the worst Easter Holidays in recent history and a boost to the plumbing industry.
This winter has brought some warmth and some cold spells but as not brought any records. This March is set to become the second coldest in history since 1962, where there was an average of only 1.9º. The previous record in second place, which is set to broken, was brought to the UK in 1987, where the temperatures were at an average of 3.3º. Due to the cold winds it has also brought a high demand in Boiler repairs. Due to the Boiler repairs at a high demand it is keeping the plumbing industry up above normal level. Martin Smith has notice there has been a rise in customers requiring an emergency plumber for Boiler related issues.
In March 2012 it was recorded in the UK with temperatures of 21º, which was due to the high pressure and winds coming from the southwest. This March the temperature is expected to be below an average of 3º. This is what is now known as the traditional Barmy British Weather and can only be expected to get worse. The weather, is what helps to predict on, how busy the plumbing industry is going to be. A very cold Spring Month can expect to bring about a 40% increase in the requirement of an Emergency Gas Plumber. In the winter months, when we find ourselves with a very warm day, this can have the opposite effect, where there would be on average of 40% degrees in plumbing related issues.
The worst winter we have had in the last 30 years, was in 2010, where there were record lows, but prior to this, there was a very cold January and February, which include very unusual weather patterns because, March was one of the warmest.
The weather prediction to the summer and Christmas of 2014 resulting in high Boiler demands
Due to the weather patterns in the last 3 to 4 years, we can expect a very cold winter. We believe of the recent October months of each year, except for 2010, has been kind to the UK, but don’t expect this every year. With a colder beginning to the year than expected, we can predict a very hot summer, as the winds and the pressure is most likely going to chance by the middle of April. This great warmth is most likely going to last until late August. Due to the weather pattern in the last 4 years then expect to receive what could be our worse winter to come. With high Boiler demands and a decline in emergency gas plumbers it is always good to try and plan your plumbing issue, but also make sure your boiler service is up to date in the summer months to avoid what is know as the Boiler Rush.