Temporary Stop Water Leak By Using The Leak Mate Tools On 10,15 & 22mm Pipe
Would you like to temporary stop water leak by using the Emergency Stop Leak by Leak Mate tool. Here we have a great tool that works on stopping leaks, even before you start to make the repair, so your able to limit the amount of damage. Maybe you want to come back the next day and also keep the water supply on for the occupants. The temporary stop water leak by Leak Mate that will temporary stop leaks, can be used on 10, 15 & 22mm pipe that has a hole or is leaking from a solder joint. If your a plumber fitting a central heating system and once the central heating has been filled up to check all joints, most of your plumbers or emergency plumbing specialist I know have come across a joint that has been forgotten about and all of a sudden you have water leaking everywhere and what do you do? You Panic. Continue reading