Water Supply Problems

Water Supply Problems & Procedures Before Calling An Emergency Plumber

Water Supply Problems
Martin Smith explains water supply problems for example: the water is on from the outside stop tap valve, however there is no water passing through the internal mains water stopcock inside.

In the picture to the right explains about the depth, the boundaries, who responsible, qualifications to work when there is water supply problems and what we are not supposed to do. Just below is a series of questions listed and answered in the paragraphs further down. We hope the water supply problems becomes a good read and please share this amongst many others. Continue reading

Outside Stop Tap Valve

Outside Stop Tap Problems & Procedures

Outside Stop Tap
Here is plenty of useful information about the outside stop tap valve problems and procedures, what to do when requiring an emergency plumber. Like so many times before, you have water pouring from a pipe, unable to turn the water off at the internal mains water stopcock and the external mains water stop tap.

In the picture above we have an example of an outside stop tap valve and what could happen in the worse scenario. Just below are some questions that come up every day by occupant from the real world, but also answered further down the article. Continue reading

Best Draining Hosepipe

Best Draining Hosepipe For Central Heating

Best Draining Hosepipe
Ever wondered what is the best draining hosepipe is? Martin Smith an experience emergency plumber explains everything about hose-pipes you may need to know. When draining down the central heating system, you automatic instinct is to get a standard hosepipe, but doesn’t meen it is the best draining hose pipe to use. The general hosepipe fits on the end of the draining point great, however in some cases leaks water, which is nothing to do with the type of hose pipe your using, but the water leak is to do with the draining valve more. To solve the water leaking from the draining valve, you will require either a bowl or an absorbing mat, which you could buy from the BES site. Continue reading

Temporary Stop Water Leak

Temporary Stop Water Leak By Using The Leak Mate Tools On 10,15 & 22mm Pipe

Temporary Stop Water Leak
Would you like to temporary stop water leak by using the Emergency Stop Leak by Leak Mate tool. Here we have a great tool that works on stopping leaks, even before you start to make the repair, so your able to limit the amount of damage. Maybe you want to come back the next day and also keep the water supply on  for the occupants. The temporary stop water leak by Leak Mate that will temporary stop leaks, can be used on 10, 15 & 22mm pipe that has a hole or is leaking from a solder joint. If your a plumber fitting a central heating system and once the central heating has been filled up to check all joints, most of your plumbers or emergency plumbing specialist I know have come across a joint that has been forgotten about and all of a sudden you have water leaking everywhere and what do you do? You Panic. Continue reading

Hot Water Cylinder Problems

Hot Water Cylinder Problems & Cures

Hot Water Cylinder Problems
Martin Smith explains about the standard hot water cylinder problems and the cures. The cylinder on the right has been round for many year and has not changed much since and is still being sold today. In 10-year plus this cylinder has a good chance of being discontinue and replaced with an alternative source of hot water. It is also believed that there may not be another hot water cylinder that will be sold to so many people where there will be more of a choose of cylinder.

As hot water cylinders get more clever in design the harder and more complexed they because to fix when it comes down to hot water cylinder problems.

Just below Martin will explain more about this cylinder due to questions asked and search for. Continue reading

Central Heating Sludge

Central Heating Sludge Problems & Cures

Central Heating Sludge
Have you got central heating sludge? In the picture to the right of you, there is a typical sludgy radiator and a magnetic cleaning machine getting ready to de-sludge the central heating system work in areas that are hard to get at. The image shows the areas the hot water that circulates the central heating system, where the blue area is where the radiator is left cold. Just below is where we will be answering question about sludge in your central heating system. Continue reading

Best Power Flushing Machine

What is the best power flushing machine on the market

Best Power Flushing Machine
Martin Smith an emergency plumber in Manchester explains the best power flushing machine. So how do you define the difference between the best machine for doing power flushes?

The picture to the right was taken by Lee Campbell an emergency plumber Wigan who also specialised in power flushing the central heating system.

Power flushing the central heating system is what most emergency plumbers tend to stay away from unless you have the money and the experience in doing a power flush. If your unable to buy the best power flushing machine, you at least be able to higher one. Continue reading

Under Sink Food Macerator

Under Sink Food Macerator Problems & Cures

Under Sink Food Macerator Problems
“Just moved into a house and great, I have under sink food macerator problems and just need a cure. Should I replace my waste unit or throw the macerator away”. In the picture to the right with thanks to Thomas Sweeney @Plumberwirral an emergency plumber Wirral who dedicated his time with supplying the pictures is a typical food macerator supplied and replace. It is quite typical that customers prefer to have there waste food macerator out rather than replace it, but for this instance the macerator was replace. Just below are some question but also answered about under sink macerators and there problems. Continue reading

Burst Pipe In Garden

Burst Pipe In Garden Information & Cures

Burst Pipe In Garden
Ever had a burst pipe In Garden and don’t know what to do? Burst pipes can come from all types of work that has been done incorrectly from bad workmanship to badly manufacture fittings explains Martin Smith an emergency plumber Manchester.

In the picture to the right is a 15mm copper pipe that has corroded away and was fitted under ground. This has got to be the job of a DIY plumber or in some case cowboy plumbers. It is very common water leak, when attending to an emergency plumbing job where there is a burst pipe in garden that has copper pipe fitted under ground. Just below are some very common question that that are searched. Please keep in mind in our article garden could also mean pathway or drive. Continue reading

180 Pipe Bending Machine 15mm

180° Pipe Bending Machine 15mm Information & Reviews

180 Degrees Pipe Bending Machine 15mm
Looking for 180° pipe bending machine but don’t know where to find one? Martin Smith an emergency plumber did the same when searching for 15ml pipe benders that do 180° and all he came up with was these pipe benders in the picture to the right, which he bought over the internet. Finding some really cool pipe benders on the search engine was not easy as Martin had experienced due to the amount of people selling them. Continue reading